Celebrating Student Hustle: Recognising Hard Work and Perseverance


When students work hard teacher should celebrate hustle of students. Appreciation is very important to recognise their hard work. Student feel happy when teacher gives him positive feed back. Celebrating their achievements will increase their performance. Students will give more focus on studies. Little and consistent appreciation will boost students.

Celebrating Student Hustle: Recognising Hard Work and Perseverance

Certificates And Awards

Appreciation is very important for students. Arrange competitions in class and give certificate and awards to the students. Give special honour to those students who work hard in class. These certificates and awards can give in assembly or in school seminar. This honour will boost level of confidence in students.

Spot Light Stories

This is motivation for students when teacher appreciate their work. Feature their work in school magazine, newsletter , website or social media. Highlight their hard work and dedication. Spot light stories give positive change in students performance.

Personalised Letters

To honour students write letters to students and their parents. In these letters to give them details about student’s hardworking and progress. This is a happiness for them and they take motivation from these letters.

Classroom Recognition

Give recognition to students in the classroom. Awarded them badges and points. This will give them spirit and privilege. When teacher appreciate students they will give their best to studies. Classroom recognition boost their performance.

Parents Teacher Meetings

During parents teacher meeting highlight students efforts and hard work. Aware parents about the performance of students and hustle their hard work. As well as teacher and parents can exchange their ideas about students abilities. Some abilities which parents or teacher didn’t know about them.

School Announcements

Enlist hard working students in school announcement. Announce their names in school daily and weekly announcements. Give them privilege in front of other students for inspiration. Students are very greedy in the matter of appreciation. They want to be Appreciated in front of other students. They feel proud and honour when they are appreciated on school level. This is best moment for students. They can work hard on long term to see this moment.

Incentive Programs

Give rewards and incentives to students. These rewards can be scholarship, books, cards or certificates. These little rewards do big work for students. They take inspiration and motivation.

Students-Led Conference

Provide opportunity to students to show their work in front of parents and teachers. They can present their hard work. This is moment of proud for parents when they see their children work and hard work.

Peer Recognition

Appreciate students to work in peer and hustle other students work. They recognise each other work and take motivation.They can learn from each other in class. They can guide each other and take improvement in their work.

Display Board

Create a display board in school to display student’s work. This display board must be display on a prominent place. This is great inspiration for other students. Students want to show their work and feel happy when get honour.

Hustle Of The Month

Give a hustle of the month award to hard working students. Celebrate the award with students. This is great achievement for students. They will work hard for the whole month to get this award. This is motivation for students to work hard.

Special Events

Celebrate different events in the school where students can show their work. This may be named “hustle fair”. School must invite parents and community to see work of students. This is appreciation for students.

Teacher Recognition

Teacher have to praise and encouraging students in the classroom. He should praise hustle when students participate in classroom activities. Teacher should appreciate students on their efforts in studies and different activities. Students always give importance to teacher as they idealise their teacher.

Mentorship Program

Teacher can make pair in classroom.Each pair has students with different abilities. They can guide to each other according to their achievement. They can share their skills and knowledge. They can solve each others problems in studies.

Reflection Activities

Arrange activities in the classroom where students can write about their efforts. They can share their achievement which they learn from their hard work. These activities will be motivation for other students . They will get inspiration from these students.

Celebration Assembly

Reflect students work daily in assembly and show student’s work. It will motivate all the students to work hard. Students need appreciation to move on in studies. Appreciation works as energy in students. They give their best to studies and want to compete with other fellows.

Academic Hustle Awards

Celebrate academic hustle awards in school. Specifies students in subject voice performance. Arrange different events in school on subject base. Present different awards to those students who work hard in different subjects. These awards will boost students level of confidence.

Classroom Leader Role

In the classroom choose those students who give good performance in the classroom. Assign them different responsibilities as a class room leader role. They can lead class by examples. These students are role model and real leader for other class fellows. They are right hand for their teacher. Teacher gives extra responsibilities to these students. They have already shown good performance in class room.

Interactive Wall Of Fame

Create a wall of fame in the classroom. On this wall students can label their achievements. Their fellows can comment on their performance. Other students can motivate them and appreciate them. This wall shows a school best performance by its students. It shows hard work of students as well as teachers.

Public Display Of Work

School can give opportunity to those students who involve in studies. School can displays best work of students on public places. School can give recognition to its students. This step of school is encouragement for its students.


By doing these activities school can honouring students for their hustle. Students get inspiration and encouragement if school arrange different activities in school. Take forward to hard working students to motivate them. School’s appreciation boost students performance. Students will be successful in their studies and in their practical life.

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