Encourage Students To Be Real World Problem Solver


Encourage your students to be real world problem solver. Teach them to be good persons. Teach them to be helper for others. It is important for their academic progress as well as their future life. If they learn these skills they will never fail in their next life.

Encourage Students To Be Real World Problem Solver

Project Base Learning

This technique is useful for future learning. In this learning a project has given to students. In the project student search on a problem. They work to solve this problem. In this learning they learn co operation, helping and hardworking. This is life long learning which is useful for whole life. They become helping person in society.

Promote Curiosity

In your classroom encourage your students to work. Do not let them to be lazy. Encourage them to ask questions about what they didn’t understand. Promote curiosity in your class. From this act they will learn to explore new things. They become efficient and problem solver in their real world and daily routine.

Use Real life Examples

During a lesson teacher can relate his lesson to real life. He can add different examples from their routine life. In this way students learn how to solve a problem. They will understand quickly about any thing. This is very useful technique to enhance student problem solving skill. Student remain active through this technique and they show interest in the lesson. Motivate and teach your student how to handle and solve different kind of situation. They learn about facing challenges.

Encourage Collaboration

When students participate in any activity they learn collaboration. They do activity which is group or peer activity they share their thoughts and ideas to each other. They learn from each other’s experience and knowledge. They learn how to help each other in any situation. They enhance their knowledge and experience. They become social and they improve their communication skills.

Base On Authentic Assessment

In this learning student use their own knowledge and experience. They didn’t use traditional techniques or methods. In this way they learn working on their own. They work hard and get results. They solve a real world problem with their own skills and techniques. This is authentic assessment to motivate students to solve real world problem.

Emphasise Resilience

If your students face any difficulty or failure don’t demotivate them. Encourage them to learn from their failure. Their mistakes give them experience and they do next time with other techniques. They learn new things from their flaws, mistakes and setbacks. It is important part to get success. You can encourage them and guide them to correct their mistakes.

Connect With Experts

Provide your students meeting with experts. Facilitate them related professional help. Arrange real world applications to give them information to solve a problem. You can arrange a trip to observe real world problem.

Encourage Reflection

Encourage your students to reflect their projects. It will improve their work. They will come to know their weak areas and their flaws. They will give experience to their class fellows. When they give reflection on their project. It is very useful to improve their work.

Authentic Learning

Project based learning gives authentic learning. Students get experience which is useful in future. They can take advantage from it in their future life or in their profession. They can use their knowledge, skills, learning and experience in meaningful way. Their learning will be more relevant and authentic.

Technology Integration

Use of technology in problem solving learning is very important. Students can take help from different apps. They can take data and analyses and solution from technology. Technology make learning process easy.

Student Agency

Motivate and encourage your students to own their learning and problem solving process. Facilitate them to choose problems according to their interest. encourage them and motivate them on their struggle and progress. When they choose their project according to their interest and will they do well. They will give hard work and time to their work. They will be honest to get learning.


When students work on real world problem solving they will learn new things. Student use their abilities. They create new techniques and skills. They will work on their own so they will solve it with his own searches and he will use his creations. In this process his creativity come in front of his teacher and class fellows. Some students are very shy but when they have a chance to work their abilities come out.

Community Engagement

Teacher should give opportunity to students to collaborate with community. It will gives social interaction. Through this students will boost their confidence level. They will get real learning. They will get true information about any problem. Through community engagement students will engage with their community. They will learn about different issues which are faced their community.

Global Perspective

Students can take global issues to solve. This will increase their searches level. They will work on broader level. They will learn about global issues and problem. It will develop positive behaviour. They will work as global citizen. They will learn sympathy with people from different countries, cultures and religious. Many global issues need to solve. Students can take their part in solving these problems.

Hands On Opportunities

Provide opportunities to students to work on real world problem solving. They can work through internship or project base. They can provide their problem solving skills. Through this they can get real experience. They will get real learning through hands on activities. These hands on activities are very useful.


Ty to use these techniques and strategies in your classroom. This will boost learning of your students. They will learn lesson of problem solving. They will be able to handle real life problem. They learn different skills to solve real life problems. This will boost positive behaviour in them. They learn life long skills. These are very useful skills to be successful in real and practical life. Your students will never fail in their future life.

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