Quick techniques To Check Students Understanding During A Lesson


Whenever teacher teaches in his classroom, he wants to know if he is teaching well or not. He wants to know understanding of his students about the lesson he is delivering. A good teacher use different techniques and skills to check the result. Assessment is important to know students understanding as well as teacher success.

Different Quick techniques To Check Understanding During A Lesson

Thumb Up And Down

You can check students understanding asking them thumb up and down. Thumb up is the sign of under standing. Thumb down is sign of not under stand. It is useful technique to judge understanding of lesson. You can encourage them to show their understanding level. You can take next step in your lesson.

One Minute Assessment

When you are delivering a lesson. You have to engage your students. You can check their understanding with along your lesson. Through this technique you can keep attentive your students. At the end you can let them their queries in one minutes. You can asses their understanding by their queries.

Quick Quiz

During a lesson you can ask quick quiz about lesson. Ask the quiz which covers material you delivered them. When a teacher uses this technique students remain active through out your lecture. Try to ask questions from students to keep them active and attentive.

Level Of Students

Ask students to choose their level of understanding by counting with fingers. Ask them to tell their understanding level with their 1 to 5 fingers. You can understand their understanding level. This is useful skill for improvement.

White Board Response

Student can give answer during assessment. They can use white board to answer the questions. When teacher check students understanding they can write answer on board. Every student can show his understanding individually.

Polls And Survey

Teacher can use different polls and survey to check students understanding. Use different forms for quick feed back. This technique is very useful to check students understanding level.

Think Aloud

Students can think aloud when they work on any task in the classroom. They can speak their thoughts when they solve problem. It is useful technique for teacher to learn students learning.

Think Pair Share

Through this technique students think about a question. Then they discuss with other students. At the end share it with whole class.

Peer Teaching

In the class students can explain any topic to the class in peer. Students can explain different concept to other students. Through this technique students can learn new concept and ideas.


In this technique students work in group they discuss in group. They teach to each other. They share their ideas and understanding. At that time all students remove their weakness.

Entrance Ticket

When teacher starts a new lesson he will check previous knowledge of students. To check previous knowledge is entrance ticket to new topic. Through this technique teacher learn where his students are standing. After that he will step forward.


After completing lesson teacher ask students to summarise lesson in 1 or 2 sentences. It will show their understanding level. It is quick checking technique.

Colour Cards

During a lesson students can use different cards to show their understanding. Students can use green card for understanding. As well as they can use red card for confusion.

Classroom Polling

During a lesson classroom polling can be conduct to check level of students.

Hot Seat

Teacher can check students understanding at the end of a lesson. Select a good student from the class. This student will ask different questions from peers. Teacher will inspect this activity to check students understanding..


Being a teacher you can use plicker cards and different apps and check your students. This is quick method to check understanding of your students.

Four Corners

You can use this activity to check your students. Do this activity in the classroom. Students will move in four corners of the room according to their level of understanding. Students will do this with interest. They will enjoy this activity and learn their lesson. As well as teacher can check them.

Gallery Walk

In this activity students will move to different rooms. They will walk in peers and they will discuss about their lesson. In gallery walk they will learn and understand their lesson. Teacher have to monitor their movements.

Flash Cards

Teacher can use flash cards to give different main points. At the end he can distribute cards among students and ask them to tell about these points. Students will learn effectively and they will speak according to points. Students show their interest and every student want to participate in this activity.

Discussion Board

Students can share their learning through different social plate forms. They can use social media to post their understanding and reviews. This is useful technique to utilise different social plate forms.

Role Playing

Teacher can create a scenario and ask students to describe it through role playing. This activity is best to describe a lesson. All class take interest and learn through fun. Teacher should utilise it often in classroom.

Sticky Notes

This is very use full technique to check students knowledge and understanding. Students can write different questions and points on sticky notes. They will paste it on board. Teacher will help students to solve questions ans points.

Quick Draw

Ask students to draw a process and concept quickly. Teacher will check understanding of students quickly through this method.

Error Analyses

Teacher can check students level by giving them incorrect points. This activity will show students understanding. If they recognise mistake made by teacher.

Student Generate Questions

In quick checking teacher can give students an activity. Students can generate different questions and ask from each other. This activity will boost their understanding. They will learn new points from each other.


This is very important for a teacher to check his students understanding. He can use different techniques and skills. It will enhance engagement with students. You will able to overcome weakness of students in study. Teachers tool to check his students and very useful to boost his students.

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